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Creating a new generation of young confident leaders.

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Lead Kidz Programs

Enhance your childs skills with our programs.

Lead Kidz offer self-development programs for young leads between the ages of 8 – 18. Our programs are based on enhancing leadership skills through mindful play and applying learned experiences in different situations. 

We strive to help Kidz not just think outside the box but to get rid of the box altogether.

Lead Kidz Skills

The skills of a young leader

We have chosen to base our programs around six leadership skills. These skills have been carefully selected to develop character, and give the Kidz confidence, to become young leaders. 

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Critical Thinking

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Have a skill for our young leaders to learn? Want to help inspire the next generation? We are always searching for talented individuals and would love to hear from you.

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Let your child explore and learn.


An important leadership skill is being a good communicator. At lead Kidz we guide our young leads to actively listen to others and speak with confidence. Empowering them to motivate and inspire others. Communication is as much about behavior as it is about finding your voice.

Critical Thinking

As part of leadership growth, we guide young leads into thinking critically. Considered at Lead Kidz, a key skill to an inquisitive mindset where ideas are developed. We aim for critical thinking to be a skill our young leads utilize in and out of the programs we offer.


Throughout the leadership journey, it is important a leader continues to seek self-growth. By reflecting on situations during our programs, we guide young leads towards a self-awareness mindset. That is…the journey into their own self-awareness mindset and in turn, self-growth.


‘Without that leader first believing in himself or herself, true leadership will exist only in title’ – Peter Stark. An essential component of being a leader is believing in oneself. It is important for young leads to gain the confidence to achieve and move forward. Through self-confidence exercises, we seek to strengthen the achievements of our lead Kidz thereby opening a world of opportunities for decision making and problem-solving.


Leadership skills often get tested when problems arise. As our young leads journey through the various leadership skills, they must make decisions. However, is it the right decision? Through our problem-solving exercises, young leads learn, that no answer is the right answer. It is how they reflect on it that matters.


Teamwork skills help young leads grow not as individuals but also as part of a team. Our programs promote open dialogue and teamwork to complete tasks. Combined with other learned skills our young leads will be able to explore how their individual role affects the team dynamics.

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